Terms of Use

A. General Requirements


Service Provider: The company’s head office, which is listed at the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce with the mersis number :0461100599000001 is: Vadi istanbul, Porta Vadi Cendere Caddesi​ T2 Blok, Floor: 1, Office: 10, 34398 Kâğıthane/İstanbul.

From now on, we’ll call it “Data Manager.”

Site: The Service Provider is in charge of the site, which has the following address: www.helibeauty.com

User: Actual, fully-formed individuals who agree with the terms of use to use the services provided by the service provider.

Organization: Places where cosmetic procedures are offered.

Profile: This is the section of the site where details and user reviews of  the organization are gathered.

Service: The service offered in the electronic environment is based on data interchange through telecommunications and public information processing systems in response to the service buyer’s request (User). The parties do not have to be simultaneously present for these transactions.

According to these Terms of Use, the Service Provider offers the Services.

The User is not required to sign any other agreements in order to be bound by the Terms of Use.

B. Service Types and Scopes

The following services are provided by the service provider: the ability for users to publish details about the Organization that are categorized by provinces, cities, and categories, as well as user satisfaction ratings, Making the search engine available to businesses

Notify recipients of updated information and satisfaction surveys,

To provide experts the tools they need to input and amend information about themselves, as well as to reply to evaluations from users.

The majority of the services offered on the website are free. Registration and inputting of fundamental details regarding the Organization are free of charge.

The Service Provider retains the right to charge for any services made available via the site and is obligated to inform users of such changes in a timely manner.

C. Terms of Service

The following prerequisites must be satisfied in order to use the services:

possess access to the internet, possessing a mobile phone and a mobile number,

Use one of the internet browsers listed below: The newest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE, and Opera were installed.

When the site is being updated or when IT and telecommunications infrastructure needs repair, the Service Provider retains the right to temporarily stop offering the Services.

Any delays in the provision of the Services caused by events beyond the Service Provider’s control are not its responsibility.

The failure of the User to show up for his appointment will not subject the Service Provider to liability to the Organization. If the User is unable to use the service for business or organizational reasons, the Service Provider is not responsible to them. The parties are required to call the other party and cancel the appointment from their profiles in the event that a circumstance arises that prohibits it from happening. Only the software that makes appointments possible must be made accessible by the service provider.

D. Adding Organizational Opinions and Information

  • The User may only base opinions and information regarding the organization on their own experiences. They cannot be based on misinformation spread by unreliable sources.
  • A User is not permitted to remark on the same transaction more than once.
  • It is expressly forbidden to post anything that either fully or partly violates the applicable legislation’s bans on announcements, ads, and related activities or that attempts to promote or advertise any institution or third party.
  • Information, thoughts, and remarks cannot go against the law or societal norms. A crime has been committed, in detail, using obscene, abusive, and insulting language, providing nicknames, disclosing information about one’s private and family life, racial, religious, ethnic, etc. It is forbidden to incite hate and violence because of disagreements.
  • The user acknowledges and agrees that he alone is solely liable for the truthfulness of the material he uploads and if it infringes on the rights of others.
  • The Service Provider has the right to refuse to post any views or material that are illegal or that violates the Terms of Use, as well as the right to remove any previously published ones.
  • The information, opinions, and comments posted by Users do not reflect the Service Provider’s views or values.

E. Confirmed Profiles, Organization Profiles

The organization’s name, category, province, city, location, and contact details are among the basic facts about it.

At the very least, essential data about the Organization must be submitted before a new Organization Profile may be created.

There is only one Profile for each company. It is not permitted to create a single Profile for numerous organizations. Profiles that are duplicates will be removed.

Only the organization located at a certain location is relevant to an Organization Profile. A different profile may be established for each branch if it has more than one.

F. Responsibility

Service provider; It disclaims all liability for the information and materials posted on the Site by Users. The user acknowledges and agrees that he alone is solely liable for the truthfulness of the material he uploads and if it infringes on the rights of others.

Any harm and unlawful activity that may result from the User’s conduct on the site are solely their responsibility. Providing false information, divulging trade secrets or other confidential information, breaching one’s own copyright or other similar rights, and forbidding advertising are only a few examples of these behaviors.

The Service Provider makes it abundantly clear that only the User is responsible for any dangers that may result from using the site and the services it offers. Regarding the information and materials posted on the website, as well as the worth, usefulness, completeness, and usefulness of the goods and services offered on the website, no guarantee is made.

The Service Provider disclaims all liability for the quality of the goods and services provided without charge as well as for any physical or legal flaws in the items provided. It assumes no liability for the non-fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the obligations made by any person via the website, regardless of whether or not these persons have the right to do so.

The rules governing paid services specify the obligations of the service provider in relation to the caliber of the products and services offered for a charge.

The Service Provider does not guarantee that the site will function flawlessly in its whole or in any portion.

The Service Provider shall be liable to any damages that may result from the blocking of access to such information if notice is received from a government authority that the information of a specific User is unlawful and access to such information is blocked. Unable to be held accountable.

G. Form for Notifying Complaints and Objection/Return Procedure

The Service Provider will make every effort within its power to guarantee the proper operation of the site and will support the resolution of any issues that may arise.

Sending an email to the address [email protected] is the best way to report problems, complaints, and other site-related issues.

The User’s email address will get responses to the complaints as soon as is practical.

Users may send emails to [email protected] within 14 days of any disruptions to the site’s functioning or concerns with the services offered via the site.

After submission, these complaints are handled in 14 days. If something cannot be done within this time frame, the service provider must inform customers before the time limit runs out of the delay and the new time frame.

If a complaint is brought about by a failure to understand these Terms of Use, their appendix, or legal requirements, the Service Provider maintains the right to refuse to handle the complaint.

Only after the Complaint/Objection/Return process has failed may compensation claims be referred to the courts.

H.Final Provisions

The Terms of Use may be modified unilaterally by the Service Provider. Users will get notice of any such modifications prior to their implementation by way of a notification sent to the mobile phone number they supplied when registering.

In particular, the Users are liable if they fail to get the notice described in Article 1 because they provide a mobile phone number that is invalid, erroneous, or belongs to someone else.

The laws of the Republic of Turkey govern the interactions between the parties.

On topics not covered by the Terms of Use, the rules of the applicable law apply.

The courts may handle litigation involving the services offered at the service provider’s headquarters.

As of the day it is posted on the site, these Terms of Use take precedence over any clauses in the prior Terms of Use.

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